Ariadna Munné's website








There is a sport called Crosse created at the end of the middle ages but the roller hockey was created in the 20th century in Kent (England). At the beginning they played on a cement field and with skates with wheels.

Two years later Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland competed in the first championship of Europe with selections.  







The roller hockey ball is made of lead and it weighs a lot. This is the reason why the players must be very protected and the equipment is very uncomfortable. Apart of the skates the players wear a helmet, gloves, and protections in every part of their body.     



How to play:

Roller hockey is played by two teams of five players each on roller skates. It’s played with a stick with “L” form and the players have to move the ball with it. They can’t touch the ball with any part of their body, except the goal keeper who can also stop the ball with the part protected of his legs.   











My favourite hockey club:

My favourite roller hockey club is not a very famous club, is a club called “Hoquei Club Castellar”, a club created in 2000.


In 2010 the category of “Aleví A” became champion of Catalonia, and my cousin played the last five minutes.  








