Dani's quotes

This quote tells us that we have to be in constant movement in life so that we can actually feel alive, and that no one should never give up on something because there are lots of ways of doing something, martin Luther King puts the example of movement. i can relation it with me because when i really want to do something, i never give up on trying no matter what it takes, like on football, as when i was younger i was really criticised and a lot of friends got mad at me because i tried to dribble all the other players by my own, and i usually lost the ball. this is no longer a problem to me because i saw that it was not the way of doing it, so i started passing the ball and playing with the rest of the team, which took me to win much more games.




This quote tells a reality about the importance working hard has in things we do. it puts the example of a victory, that if it is achieved easily it is not as celebrated as a victory that has before it a lot of hard work. FC Barcelona's poor celebration of this year's spanish supercup shows how players are not excited of winning the title, as they won it easily without putting a big amount of effort on it. this quote also can say that a real victory is only achieved with hard work and dedication, because if winning was easy it would not be so important. i can compare this to my studies, i am much happier when i pass an exam i have studied, seeing that my effort has been awarded than when i luckily pass an exam i didn't study for.



Nice quotes, Dani. But remember to check your spelling before you actually publish something on the wiki. Correct what you have written and add a couple of links with additional information on the author's quotes!

Still not done! :( (9th February 2014)